Clearance on request

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Clearance on Request

Clearance on request refers to an air traffic control authorization for an aircraft to take off and fly on an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) route that has not yet been received by the pilot after filing a flight plan. This means that the pilot can request a clearance from air traffic control once they are ready to depart, and a clearance will be granted if it is safe to do so.

Clearance on request is a common practice used by pilots who have filed an IFR flight plan but have not yet received clearance due to congestion in the airspace or other reasons. It provides flexibility to pilots while ensuring safety in the airspace.

It is important to note that clearance on request does not imply that the pilot has automatic clearance to take off. The pilot must still request clearance from air traffic control and receive confirmation before taking off. Additionally, clearance on request is only granted if it is safe to do so and does not interfere with other aircraft in the airspace.

Overall, clearance on request allows for more efficient use of airspace and provides flexibility to pilots while maintaining safety in the air.

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