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Definition of Configuration

Configuration is a term used to describe the overall arrangement of components, systems or elements within a particular object, machine, vehicle or system. In the context of an airplane, configuration refers to the specific interior arrangement of the seating arrangement, the landing gear and flaps.

Each airplane can be configured in different ways to accommodate various numbers of passengers, cargo or other specific requirements. For example, an airplane may be configured for 190 coach-class passengers or it can be configured to hold a maximum of 12 first-class passengers and 170 coach passengers. This means that the interior arrangements are designed to fit within the capacity of the airplane, while still meeting the requirements of the airline company and the needs of the passengers.

Configurations can vary depending on many factors such as the type of vehicle, its intended use, capacity, and functionality. As such, configuration is a crucial aspect of design and helps to ensure that an object or system is efficient, safe and effective in meeting its specific purposes.

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