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Deice – The process of eliminating the build-up of ice on the surface of an aircraft in order to enhance its safety, performance, and efficiency during take-off and landing. Deicing is a critical pre-flight procedure to prevent ice from interfering with the glide path and reducing lift, as well as to avoid ice build-up in the engine intake and control surfaces, which could lead to malfunctions and accidents in flight. Deicing involves the use of special equipment and fluids that can melt or prevent the formation of ice on the wings, tail, fuselage, and other exposed areas of the aircraft. Proper deicing procedures depend on the temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other weather conditions, as well as the type and age of the aircraft. Pilots and ground crews must follow specific guidelines and checklists to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the deicing process. Failure to deice an aircraft properly can result in delays, cancellations, or even tragedies.

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