Departure control

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Definition of Departure Control

Departure Control refers to the entity responsible for taking over the control of departing instrument flights and, in some cases, departing visual flight rule flights from the Local Control authority. This process involves coordinating with other air traffic control authorities to ensure a seamless transition and safe departure of the aircraft.

Departure Control oversees the pre-departure sequence, including reviewing flight plans and verifying the aircraft’s weight and balance. They also liaise with ground handlers, airlines, and other stakeholders to ensure the aircraft is ready for takeoff.

During the departure phase, the Departure Control monitors the aircraft’s climb and ensures it maintains the assigned altitude and heading. They provide critical instructions to the pilot in case of emergencies and maintain constant communication until the aircraft is handed over to the en-route control.

In summary, the Departure Control plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe and efficient departure of aircraft and passengers from an airport.

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