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Definition of diverting

Diverting is a term used to describe the situation where an aircraft is unable to land at its intended destination airport and is instead rerouted to another airport. This can occur due to a variety of reasons such as weather conditions, technical issues, or airspace restrictions.

During a diversion, the aircraft may need to make last-minute adjustments to its flight path in order to safely land at the alternative airport. This can include changes in altitude, speed, and direction, as well as communication with air traffic control and other relevant authorities.

While diverting can be an inconvenience for both passengers and crew, it is an important safety measure that ensures the continued well-being of everyone onboard. Pilots are trained to handle these situations with professionalism and efficiency, and airlines have established protocols in place to manage the logistics of diverting flights.

Ultimately, the goal of diverting is to minimize any potential risks to the aircraft and its occupants, and to ensure that everyone arrives at their final destination safely.

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