dry lease

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Definition of “Dry Lease

A dry lease is a contractual agreement for the use of an aircraft, in which the lessee (the person or company using the aircraft) is provided solely with the aircraft itself. This type of lease does not provide a crew or any guarantees of maintenance from the lessor (the person or entity that owns the aircraft).

The lessee is responsible for providing their own crew, which typically includes a pilot and co-pilot, and for ensuring the aircraft is properly maintained throughout the lease period. This can include scheduling routine maintenance and repairs as needed, as well as ensuring the aircraft meets all relevant safety requirements and regulations.

The benefit of a dry lease is that it provides the lessee with greater flexibility in terms of scheduling and route planning. It is also a cost-effective option for those who have their own crew and maintenance capabilities. However, it does require a higher level of operational responsibility on the part of the lessee.

Overall, a dry lease can be a viable option for those who have the necessary resources and experience to operate the aircraft safely and effectively.

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