Dual-Function Pilot

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Definition of a Dual-Function Pilot

A Dual-Function Pilot is an individual who carries out official Government business by serving as pilot-in-command of an aircraft, and whose job description includes aviation-related duties. Unlike full-time pilots, a Dual-Function Pilot performs their pilot duties in addition to their primary job responsibilities. This means that while their primary role may not be that of a pilot, they are still trained and certified to safely operate the aircraft and adhere to all safety and operational procedures. As such, a Dual-Function Pilot requires a unique set of skills and competencies that go beyond their primary job responsibilities. This role is crucial for government agencies that rely on air transportation for their operations, such as law enforcement, emergency services, and military organizations. The responsibility of a Dual-Function Pilot is to ensure the safe and efficient transportation of personnel and equipment to their destinations, while complying with all legal and regulatory requirements.

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