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ETD – Estimated Time of Departure

ETD, or Estimated Time of Departure, refers to the planned time for a departure. It is a term commonly used in transportation, such as airlines or shipping companies, to indicate the scheduled time for a vehicle or vessel to leave a specific location.

Estimating the time of departure is essential in transportation to ensure that passengers or cargo arrive at their destination at the expected time. The ETD is often displayed on tickets, schedules, or electronic boards at airports or seaports to communicate the planned departure time accurately.

The ETD plays a critical role in the organization of transport services and helps to coordinate the departure time of different modes of transportation. It also helps to minimize delays caused by unexpected factors such as weather conditions, maintenance issues, or other unforeseen events.

In summary, the ETD is the planned time for departure, and it is a crucial factor in ensuring efficient and timely transportation of passengers or cargo.

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