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Feathering of Propeller Blades

Feathering of propeller blades refers to the process of rotating the pitch of the blades until they are aligned directly with the airflow. This allows for the reduction of air resistance and eliminates thrust, resulting in a neutral position for the propeller. This technique is typically used when there is a failure in the engine, and feathering the propeller helps to maintain stability and control of the aircraft. Feathering is especially critical during emergency situations, such as engine failure, as it helps to minimize the risk of a complete shutdown. By positioning the blades in this way, the propeller system can be safely operated until a suitable landing site is found. Additionally, feathering the propeller can also be used in other situations, such as during high-altitude flying or when flying into strong headwinds. Overall, feathering of propeller blades is an essential technique that assists with aircraft safety and control.

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