Federal Aviation Regulations

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Federal Aviation Regulations

Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) are a set of rules and guidelines that govern aviation activities in the United States. FAR is a comprehensive regulatory framework that provides safety standards and operational requirements for various aviation-related activities, including pilot certification, aircraft maintenance, air traffic control, and airport operations. The regulations are contained in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, which outlines the rules and guidelines for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). FAR ensures the highest level of safety for aviation by regulating the design, production, operation, and maintenance of aircraft, as well as the training and certification of pilots and other aviation personnel. The regulations also cover a wide range of safety issues, including aircraft operations, air traffic control, airport security, and environmental concerns. Adherence to the FAR is mandatory for all aviation entities in the United States, including airlines, aircraft manufacturers, pilots, and maintenance facilities. The FAA regularly reviews and updates the FAR to ensure the safety of aviation operations and to keep pace with technological advancements in the sector.

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