Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT)

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What is Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT)?

Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) is a measure of the total enclosed space in a ship, including all accommodation, cargo spaces, and machinery. It is a useful metric for evaluating a ship’s size and capacity, and determines a vessel’s fees and taxes. GRT is calculated based on the volume of the ship’s compartments and not necessarily its weight or displacement.

Cruise ships typically have high GRT values due to their large sizes and numerous amenities. For instance, a cruise ship with a GRT of 70,000 would be considered a “superliner.” However, it’s important to note that a ship’s GRT doesn’t necessarily reflect its actual weight, as various factors can affect its displacement.

In conclusion, GRT is a crucial measure for assessing a ship’s size and capacity, especially in the maritime industry. It helps regulate fees, taxes, and safety standards, while also providing valuable information to passengers and crew members.

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