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Definition of GWPS

The GWPS acronym refers to the Ground Proximity Warning System, a device designed to provide alerts and warnings to pilots when the aircraft is approaching the ground or other obstacles. The GWPS is an important safety feature in modern aircraft, helping to prevent disastrous collisions with terrain or other obstacles.

The GWPS monitors the aircraft’s altitude, rate of descent, and other critical flight data, and compares it to a digital terrain map and obstacle database. If the GWPS determines that the aircraft is on a course to collide with the ground or another object, it will sound an alarm and display warning messages to the pilot.

The GWPS includes a variety of sensors and instruments, including radar altimeters, GPS receivers, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. It also incorporates sophisticated software algorithms that can interpret complex flight data and terrain information in real time.

In addition to providing warnings about terrain and obstacles, the GWPS can also alert pilots to other dangerous conditions, such as sudden drops in airspeed or turbulence. This can help pilots to take corrective action and avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Overall, the Ground Proximity Warning System is a critical component of modern flight safety systems, helping to prevent accidents and keep passengers and crew safe.

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