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Definition of Hand-off in Aviation

Hand-off in aviation refers to the process in which an air traffic controller transfers the radar identification of an aircraft to another controller. This is done when the aircraft leaves the airspace under the jurisdiction of one controller and enters the airspace controlled by another.

During a hand-off, the current controller provides the receiving controller with the necessary information, including the aircraft’s altitude, ground speed, heading, and any other relevant data. The receiving controller then takes over the responsibility for navigating and communicating with the aircraft.

Hand-offs are an important part of air traffic control, as they ensure that aircraft are properly monitored and guided throughout their flight. They also help to prevent communication errors and ensure that every aircraft is safely and efficiently managed as it moves through different sections of airspace.

To perform a successful hand-off, both controllers must be in constant communication, following established procedures and protocols. They must also have a thorough understanding of the airspace they are responsible for, as well as the equipment and techniques used to monitor and guide aircraft.

In summary, hand-off is the transfer of radar identification of an aircraft from one air traffic controller to another. This ensures that the aircraft is properly monitored and guided as it moves through different sections of airspace, and it requires effective communication, procedures, and protocols between controllers.

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