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HIGE – Hovering in Ground Effect

HIGE, or hovering in ground effect, is a helicopter technique in which the aircraft is flown within one rotor diameter of the ground. This technique is used to take advantage of the increased performance that occurs due to the interaction of the helicopter’s rotor downwash and the ground.

The ground effect is a phenomenon that occurs when the rotor downwash interacts with the ground, resulting in increased lift and reduced power required to maintain a hover. This effect is more significant the closer the helicopter is to the ground, making HIGE a valuable technique for hovering in areas with limited vertical clearance.

The benefits of HIGE include increased efficiency, decreased fuel consumption, and improved safety margins. However, pilots must be aware of the reduced clearance between the helicopter and the ground, which can increase the risk of contact with obstacles or terrain.

In summary, HIGE is a helicopter technique used to take advantage of the ground effect and improve hovering performance. It requires careful pilot judgment and awareness of the risks associated with flying close to the ground.

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