Hold bars

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Definition of “Hold Bars

Hold bars are a series of markings found on a taxiway that indicate the exact location where an aircraft should stop when it does not have clearance to enter the runway. They are made up of four parallel lines, two of which are solid and the other two are dashed. The solid lines are situated on the side where the aircraft is meant to hold.

These lines serve as a clear boundary between the taxiway and the runway, and therefore provide a crucial safety measure for both pilots and ground personnel. By stopping at the hold bars, pilots can avoid interfering with other aircraft taxiing or taking off and landing on the runway. Additionally, they help to prevent collisions between aircraft and ground vehicles, as well as ensure that runway incursions are minimized.

Furthermore, hold bars are an integral part of the airport’s air traffic control system. They are used by controllers to maintain efficient and safe operations on the airport’s runways. Air traffic controllers use the hold lines to manage the flow of aircraft and ensure that there is no congestion on the runway or taxiway.

Overall, hold bars are a crucial component of airport safety and operations. They provide pilots with clear instructions and protect against potential accidents or collisions on the runway and taxiway.

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