Horizontal component of lift

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Horizontal Component of Lift

The horizontal component of lift refers to the part of the lift generated by an airfoil that acts parallel to the earth’s surface. It is also known as the drag or the resistance force. When an aircraft is in level flight, the total lift that is produced by the wings is divided into two components: the vertical component, which is responsible for countering the aircraft’s weight and lifting it off the ground, and the horizontal component, which provides the necessary thrust to move it forward.

The horizontal component of lift is essential in maintaining the aircraft’s flight path and speed. It creates a force that opposes the drag caused by friction and other factors, and keeps the aircraft moving forward. This force is also influenced by various factors such as the pitch angle, airspeed, and altitude of the aircraft.

In summary, the horizontal component of lift is a crucial component of an aircraft’s lift system, which allows it to maintain its speed and flight path in level flight. It acts parallel to the earth’s surface and opposes the drag that may slow down the aircraft’s speed.

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