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The Definition of Jet Aircraft

Jet aircraft are aircraft propelled by one or more jet engines. These engines are designed to compress and heat air, which is then expelled out the back of the engine at high speeds, creating a forward thrust that propels the aircraft forward. Jet aircraft are characterized by their high speed, range, and altitude capabilities, making them ideal for commercial and military use.

In addition to their powerful engines, jet aircraft also feature advanced technology and sophisticated control systems that allow them to perform complex maneuvers and fly at high speeds. Many modern jet aircraft are designed to fly at or above the speed of sound, making them capable of reaching supersonic speeds and breaking the sound barrier.

Despite their many advantages, jet aircraft also come with some disadvantages. They are typically more expensive to operate and maintain than other types of aircraft, and they require specialized training and certification to operate. Nevertheless, the speed, range, and altitude capabilities of jet aircraft make them an essential part of modern aviation and an invaluable tool for both commercial and military applications.

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