Landing gear

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Definition of Landing Gear

Landing gear refers to the structure of an aircraft that helps support the weight of the plane when it is not in flight. It is comprised of multiple components including tires, wheels, and related assemblies that provide mobility, as well as a shock-absorbing mechanism that helps cushion the impact of landings. The landing gear also plays a vital role during taxi, lift-off, and landing.

The aircraft’s landing gear is retracted during flight to reduce drag and increase aerodynamic efficiency. Several types of landing gear can be used depending on the terrain, such as wheels for hard surfaces, skis or skids for ice or snow, and floats or pontoons for landing on water.

The landing gear is an essential part of the aircraft’s structure and provides structural support as well as assisting in takeoff and taxiing. It also helps in maintaining the balance and stability of the aircraft on the ground. While some aircraft such as flying boats do not require landing gear as their hull can support them, most aircraft rely on this mechanism to assist in smooth and safe takeoff and landing.

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