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Definition of MAA

MAA stands for Maximum Authorized Altitude, which refers to the maximum altitude that an aircraft can fly within a particular airspace or area. In other words, MAA is the highest altitude allowed by regulatory authorities for a specific flight path or route.

The MAA is an important parameter that pilots and air traffic controllers use to ensure the safety and efficiency of air traffic. It is defined based on factors such as terrain, obstacles, weather conditions, and air traffic volume. The MAA is calculated to prevent aircraft from colliding with terrain or obstacles and to maintain a safe distance between aircraft operating in the same airspace.

The MAA may vary according to the type of aircraft, its weight, performance capabilities, and other factors. Pilots must be aware of the MAA for their flight plan and ensure that they do not exceed it. Air traffic controllers, on the other hand, must monitor the altitude of all aircraft in their assigned airspace to ensure that they are operating within the authorized altitude range.

In summary, the MAA is a crucial aspect of air traffic management that helps ensure the safety and efficiency of air travel. So, understanding the MAA is essential for pilots and air traffic controllers.

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