Maximum authorized altitude (MAA)

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Definition of Maximum Authorized Altitude (MAA)

Maximum Authorized Altitude (MAA) is an altitude that is published and represents the maximum usable altitude or flight level for a given airspace structure or route segment. MAA is an important parameter to be considered by pilots as it determines the highest altitude that they can fly in a specific airspace, without interfering with other aircraft operations or endangering the safety of their flight.

The MAA value is established after a thorough analysis of the airspace structure and route segment by the relevant authorities, taking into consideration various factors such as terrain, obstructions, and traffic density. The MAA ensures that there is a safe vertical separation between aircraft flying in the same airspace and helps to avoid incidents of ‘near-miss’ in the air.

It is critical for pilots to adhere to the MAA limit to ensure the safety of their flight and those of other aircraft. Flying above the MAA limit can result in violations and pose potential threats to aviation safety.

In conclusion, MAA is a crucial definition for pilots to fully understand as it sets the upper boundary for safe flying in a specific airspace and helps to ensure a high level of safety for all aircraft operating in that region.

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