Omni bearing selector (OBS)

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Definition of Omni Bearing Selector (OBS)

The Omni Bearing Selector (OBS) is a control knob located on the VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) indicator used in aircraft. It is responsible for rotating the bearing selector card, which enables the pilot or operator to select a specific radial for navigational purposes.

The OBS allows the operator to select a desired radial from the VOR station, which can be seen on the VOR indicator in the cockpit. By selecting a specific radial, the pilot can accurately track their location and course, making navigation more precise and efficient.

The OBS plays a crucial role in the navigation process, as it is used to select the desired course, track the aircraft’s position in relation to VOR station, and provide necessary information to the autopilot system. It is a vital component for accurate and safe flight navigation.

In summary, the Omni Bearing Selector (OBS) is a control knob used in aircraft for selecting and tracking a specific radial from the VOR station, which provides essential information for navigation and ensures safety during flight.

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