Optical illusion

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Optical Illusion

An optical illusion is a visual phenomenon that deceives the brain by interpreting what it sees in a way that is incorrect, often resulting in a perception that differs from reality. This occurs when the brain misinterprets sensory information received from the eyes because the input is inconsistent or ambiguous. These illusions can be created in many ways, including through the manipulation of forms, colors, brightness, and the arrangement of elements in a visual field.

In the context of aviation, an optical illusion can be a serious safety concern. For example, pilots may encounter illusions associated with landing if the ground features are misinterpreted, leading them to misread or misinterpret the spatial relationship between their aircraft and the runway. Such illusions can result in dangerous landing accidents, especially in difficult weather conditions or challenging terrain. Therefore, pilots are trained to recognize and manage these illusions to ensure the safety of themselves and their passengers.

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