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Definition of PIC (Pilot in Command)

PIC, or Pilot in Command, is the person who has final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of an aircraft during a flight. The PIC is the individual who determines whether the flight can be conducted safely and legally, based on factors such as weather, aircraft performance, crew and passenger readiness, and any regulations or restrictions that may apply.

The PIC is responsible for pre-flight planning, including checking weather reports, filing flight plans, and calculating fuel requirements. During flight, the PIC must monitor all systems and instruments, make decisions about navigation and altitude, and communicate with air traffic control as needed.

In addition to ensuring the safety of the flight, the PIC is also responsible for the conduct of all crew members and passengers on board the aircraft. This includes enforcing safety regulations, handling emergencies, and communicating with passengers in a clear and calm manner.

The role of PIC requires extensive training and experience, as well as ongoing education and certification to maintain proficiency. The PIC must possess strong leadership skills, excellent decision-making abilities, and effective communication skills in order to safely and successfully operate an aircraft.

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