Pilot’s information manual (PIM)

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Definition of Pilot’s Information Manual (PIM)

The Pilot’s Information Manual (PIM) is a practical guide that provides general information about a specific type or model of aircraft. It is a generic version of the Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) and contains valuable information required for safe and efficient flight operations.

Unlike the POH, the PIM lacks specific weight and balance data but is nevertheless an essential resource for pilots in the aviation industry. It is usually sold in bound copy form and serves as a ready reference for the pilots for rapid on-board consultation in case of any contingency or in-flight issues.

The PIM covers the topics in the POH that are common to all the aircraft models of the same category and may include sections on aircraft systems, performance data, limitations, emergency procedures, and other pertinent information. It is published for general information and study purposes and serves as a helpful supplement to the aircraft-specific POH.

It is important to note that although the PIM is virtually identical to the POH, it cannot be used as a legal substitute for it in the aircraft. The PIM is designed to provide pilots with a basic understanding of the aircraft operations, and it is their responsibility to ensure that they are aware of the latest information in the POH before taking off for a flight.

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