Primary and supporting

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Primary and Supporting Method

The Primary and Supporting Method is a technique used in attitude instrument flying that relies on instruments that provide direct indications of both the aircraft’s attitude and performance. The Primary instrument is the primary indicator and is directly relied upon to understand the airplane’s attitude, while the Supporting instruments provide additional information to support and confirm the aircraft’s attitude.

The primary instrument can vary depending on the type of aircraft and the stage of flight. For example, during takeoff, the primary instrument is the airspeed indicator, and the supporting instruments may include the altimeter and vertical speed indicator. During steady flight, the primary instrument is the attitude indicator, and the supporting instruments may include the turn coordinator and the vertical speed indicator.

The primary and supporting method is a critical technique for pilots to maintain control of the aircraft during instrument flying and ensure safe and precise navigation. A proper understanding of the primary and supporting instruments and their roles in instrument flying is essential for pilots operating in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). By using the primary and supporting method, pilots can avoid spatial disorientation and effectively manage the aircraft’s attitude, altitude, and airspeed.

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