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RBRelative Bearing

RB, also known as Relative Bearing, is a navigation term used to describe the position of an object or landmark in relation to the heading of the observer. It is measured in degrees, with 0 RB indicating that the object is straight ahead of the observer, and 180 RB indicating that the object is directly behind them.

RB is an important concept in maritime and aircraft navigation, as it allows pilots and navigators to locate and track objects in their field of view. By measuring the RB of nearby ships or landmarks, pilots can maintain a safe distance and avoid collisions. Similarly, aircraft pilots can use RB to locate and follow beacons or other navigational aids.

In addition to its use in navigation, RB is also used in military applications, particularly in the tracking of enemy targets. By measuring the RB of an enemy aircraft or ship, military personnel can determine its location and trajectory, and take appropriate action to neutralize the threat.

Overall, RB is an essential concept in navigation and tracking, providing crucial information for safe and effective travel, as well as military operations.

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