Relative bearing (RB)

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Definition of Relative Bearing (RB)

Relative bearing (RB) is the measure of the angle between the aircraft’s heading and the direction to the station, which is measured clockwise from the nose of the aircraft. This term is used in aviation to provide pilots with accurate information about the location of ground-based navigational aids and other aircraft in their vicinity.

Aircraft typically use radios to communicate with ground-based navigational aids, such as radio beacons, which transmit a specific radio frequency that can be picked up by the aircraft’s radio receiver. By measuring the relative bearing of the radio signal, the pilot can determine the direction of the station and make adjustments to their flight path accordingly.

Unlike true bearing, which is measured relative to the north pole, relative bearing is measured relative to the aircraft’s heading. This means that as the aircraft changes course, the relative bearing of the station will also change, even if the station’s true bearing remains the same.

Overall, relative bearing is an important concept to understand in aviation as it helps pilots navigate and communicate with ground-based stations, as well as avoid collisions with other aircraft.

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