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RVV: Runway Visibility Value

The runway visibility value, or RVV, is a measurement of the visibility conditions on a runway. Specifically, it is a value that describes the horizontal distance a pilot can see down the runway from the aircraft’s cockpit during takeoff and landing procedures. This value is important because it helps pilots determine if they have adequate visibility to safely operate their aircraft on the runway.

The RVV is typically measured in feet and reported to pilots through various means, such as weather reports and airport radio broadcasts. It takes into account factors such as precipitation, fog, and other atmospheric conditions that can affect visibility.

In order to ensure safe aircraft operations, RVV values must meet certain requirements set forth by aviation governing bodies. In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandates a minimum RVV value of 1,800 feet for commercial aircraft operations. Pilots may still choose to operate their aircraft at lower RVV values, but only if they are equipped with the proper navigational equipment and have received adequate training.

Overall, the RVV is a crucial component of safe aviation operations, helping pilots make informed decisions about whether to takeoff or land based on their current visibility conditions.

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