Sensitive altimeter

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Definition of Sensitive Altimeter

A sensitive altimeter refers to a type of aviation instrument that utilizes multiple pointers and a pneumatic system to measure aircraft altitude. The instrument includes an adjustable barometric scale, which enables the reference pressure to be set to any desired level. Therefore, pilots can monitor their altitude accurately as they operate at different flight levels.

The sensitive altimeter is a crucial tool for pilots when conducting flights in an environment where an accurate measurement of altitude is essential. It provides a clear indication of the height of an aircraft above sea level and ensures safe flying conditions. The altimeter functions by measuring the atmospheric pressure and translating it to altitude readings displayed on the instrument.

The use of a pneumatic system in the sensitive altimeter enhances its accuracy, as the instrument measures the pressure in the system composed of air ducts and bellows. The movements of the bellows reflect changes in atmospheric pressure, which then trigger the pointers to indicate the altitude changes to the pilots.

In conclusion, the sensitive altimeter is a vital instrument for pilots that works through a multipointer pneumatic system, enabling accurate measurement of aircraft altitude. The adjustable barometric scale makes it versatile and adaptable to varying altitudes in different flight levels, and its accuracy ensures safe and efficient aviation operations.

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