Servo tab

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Definition of Servo Tab

A servo tab is a secondary control surface that is attached to the primary control surface of an aircraft. Its role is to provide an aerodynamic boost to the primary control surface by moving opposite to its direction of movement.

The servo tab works by altering the airflow over the primary control surface, effectively increasing or decreasing its effectiveness. When the pilot moves the primary control surface, the servo tab moves in the opposite direction, amplifying the movement and making it easier for the pilot to control the aircraft.

Servo tabs are often used in situations where the primary control surface is too large or heavy for the pilot to move easily. They are also used in situations where the aircraft’s speed or altitude makes it difficult to move the control surface without the help of an assistive device.

In addition to their use in aircraft, servo tabs are also used in other applications where precise control is required. For example, they may be used in model airplanes or remote-controlled vehicles to provide a more responsive and accurate control system.

Overall, the servo tab is an important component of any aircraft or control system that requires precise, responsive control. Its ability to provide an aerodynamic assist to the primary control surface makes it a valuable tool for pilots and engineers alike.

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