Single-Skid Landings

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Single-Skid Landings for Helicopters

Single-Skid Landings are a landing technique used by helicopters to drop-off or pick-up passengers or cargo. In this technique, one full skid of the helicopter is placed on the ground, while the other skid is suspended in the air. This type of landing is typically used when the helicopter needs to land on a sloping terrain or when it is not feasible to reduce the power to flat pitch, such as in limited space or difficult environment.

During a single-skid landing, the helicopter’s center of gravity can shift laterally when in contact with the ground. The pilot must exercise caution to ensure that the helicopter remains stable and balanced, preventing any tilt or tip-over that could cause damage or endanger the occupants.

This landing technique requires precise control and skill, and is a useful method for helicopters operating in challenging terrain and locations where traditional landing methods are not suitable. Single-skid landing technique can be particularly useful for search and rescue operations, support for remote construction sites, and other operations that require precision and maneuverability.

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