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Slot – Definition

A slot is a pre-allocated time period of a certain duration, issued by the authorities responsible for managing and regulating traffic, in order to maintain orderly and safe operations within a specific airspace. Typically, slots are used in the context of air traffic control to manage the flow of aircraft in and out of busy airports or congested airspace.

Slots help to regulate the number of aircraft operating within a given area by limiting the amount of traffic during the designated time period. This helps to prevent congestion and delays caused by excessive traffic, as well as ensures that all aircraft are efficiently managed and properly spaced in order to reduce the risk of accidents.

During a slot period, aircraft must adhere to a specific schedule, arriving and departing within a designated timeframe. The duration of a slot can vary depending on the specific needs of the airspace and the regulations in place. Typically, a slot will last for 15 minutes, with a 5-minute buffer period before and a 10-minute buffer period after the scheduled slot time.

Overall, slots are an important tool for managing and regulating air traffic, enabling authorities to ensure safe and efficient operations in busy airspace, while reducing the risk of congestion, delays, and accidents.

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