Special Use Activities

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Definition of “Special Use Activities” in DOI

Special Use Activities” in DOI refer to the deployment of airplanes and helicopters for flights that do not meet the definition of point-to-point flights and require additional equipment or increased complexity. Flights that are categorized as point-to-point mission and flown on Department-owned or contracted aircraft are regarded as civil aircraft operations. These flights must comply with all the relevant provisions of 14 CFR. Even when classified as public aircraft, pilots are required to comply with 14 CFR provisions and only deviate as approved by published Department policy. The term “Special Use Activities” encompasses a diverse array of activities, including aerial photography, surveying, search and rescue, and fire suppression, among others. It encompasses all non-standard operational activities that require specialized equipment, techniques, and procedures to accomplish their objectives, making them unique from regular point-to-point flights.

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