Takeoff safety speed (V2)

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Takeoff Safety Speed (V2)

Takeoff Safety Speed (V2) is a critical airspeed during aviation takeoff procedures. According to 14 CFR part 1, it is the referenced airspeed that must be achieved after lift-off to safely continue the climb with only one engine operating inoperative. This speed allows pilots to maintain control and climb performance to avoid any potential hazards during the takeoff phase, such as obstacles or engine failure. V2 is calculated based on various factors like aircraft weight, altitude, and temperature. It is also considered as the minimum airspeed at which the aircraft can be safely controlled with the most unfavourable engine failure condition. Meaning, if an engine fails below V2, the aircraft may not be able to maintain control or climb performance, causing a hazardous situation. Therefore, V2 is a critical parameter in ensuring takeoff safety and is included in the aircraft performance and operating limitations documentation.

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