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Definition of TERP

TERP stands for Terminal Instrument Procedures, which refer to the set of established procedures and guidelines that aircraft must follow when approaching or departing a terminal area, such as an airport. These procedures are developed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and are designed to ensure the safe and efficient movement of air traffic within a designated airspace.

TERPs are critical for effective air traffic control, as they help pilots navigate through the airspace around airports, ensuring that they follow the proper routes and altitudes. These procedures provide precise information about the course, altitude, and speed of aircraft in order to ensure safe and efficient operations.

In addition, TERPs are continually updated and refined to reflect changes in technology, aircraft capabilities, and air traffic flow. They are also designed to accommodate a wide range of aircraft, from small single-engine planes to large commercial jets.

TERP procedures take into account weather conditions, terrain, surrounding airspace, and other factors that can impact flight operations. They are critical components of the aviation industry, helping to ensure the safety and efficiency of air travel.

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