Toe In Landings

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Definition of Toe-In Landings

Toe-in landings refer to a type of helicopter landing where the helicopter rests on the toes of its skids while dropping off or picking up passengers or cargo. To maintain its balance, the helicopter requires a significant amount of hover power within 15% of the hover power.

This type of landing can cause a shift in the helicopter’s center of gravity during loading and offloading operations, resulting in significant longitudinal and lateral changes. In addition, landing on the forward 1/3 or less of the skid tube can pose a serious concern for the main rotor blade clearance, which must be at least 1/2 of the flat surface/flat pitch blade clearance.

Toe-in landings are primarily used in areas where the slope exceeds the helicopter’s maximum capability for landing. These landings are typically identified by the flight crew, and the appropriate measures are taken to ensure the safe delivery of passengers or cargo.

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