True airspeed (TAS)

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Definition of True Airspeed (TAS)

True Airspeed (TAS) refers to the actual speed of an aircraft through the air mass, taking into account the effects of temperature and altitude through calibration. TAS is an important measurement in aviation as it provides pilots with an accurate reading of their aircraft’s speed through the air, which is necessary for flight planning, navigation, and overall safety. Calculating TAS involves taking the calibrated airspeed (CAS) and adjusting it for temperature and altitude through the use of charts or electronic devices. This correction is necessary because as an aircraft climbs, the air becomes less dense, reducing the pressure on the aircraft and therefore reducing its true airspeed. By using TAS, pilots can more accurately determine their ground speed and fuel consumption, helping to optimize their flight. Overall, TAS is a vital measurement for aircraft operations, ensuring that pilots have a clear understanding of their speed through the air and can make informed decisions regarding their flight.

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