U.S. aircraft by international agreement, and therefore precedes the other characters in the number.

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Definition of “U.S. aircraft by international agreement”

U.S. aircraft by international agreement refers to aircraft that are owned and operated by the United States government, which have been granted special privileges and immunities by international treaties and agreements. These agreements often give the U.S. government the authority to operate aircraft in foreign airspace and airports, while also providing protection for U.S. military personnel and equipment.

The designation “U.S.” in the aircraft identifier indicates that the aircraft is registered in the United States, and is subject to the laws and regulations of that country. This identifier is often used to differentiate between aircraft from different countries, and is an important part of international air traffic control and communication.

In addition to the aircraft itself, U.S. aircraft by international agreement may also include the personnel and equipment that are associated with its operation. This can include pilots, maintenance crews, and ground support staff, as well as weapons systems, radar equipment, and other sensitive materials.

Overall, the designation of an aircraft as “U.S. aircraft by international agreement” is an important part of global aviation, and reflects the complex and dynamic relationships between nations and their militaries.

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