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UNICOM Definition

UNICOM is a privately owned radio station that operates at airports and provides ground air communication services. The primary function of UNICOM is to enable communication between pilots and ground staff, including airport operators and maintenance personnel, providing advisory information for airport operations.

This private radio station offers various services that can be arranged, such as weather updates, notices to airmen (NOTAMs), updates on airport facilities, and other general information related to flight operations. UNICOM is also instrumental in providing advisory and safety information to pilots.

However, it is essential to note that UNICOM cannot be used to control air traffic. Instead, it acts as a coordination tool for pilots, airport personnel, and other airport stakeholders alike. Communication on UNICOM helps to enhance safety in airport operations, especially during takeoff, landing, and taxiing.

In summary, UNICOM is a vital means of communication at airports, offering advisory services, and enabling vital coordination between pilots and ground personnel for safe and efficient airport operations.

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