Upwind leg

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Upwind leg definition

The upwind leg is a part of the standard traffic pattern used by aircraft when approaching an airport for landing. It involves flying parallel to the runway in the same direction as the eventual landing, but on the opposite side of the runway.

This maneuver is important because it allows the aircraft to build up airspeed and altitude before turning onto the final approach. The pilot will fly the upwind leg until they are a safe distance from the airport and until they have reached the appropriate altitude for their landing configuration.

During the upwind leg, the pilot is also looking for other traffic in the area and monitoring their instruments to ensure a safe and smooth landing. The length of the upwind leg can vary depending on the size of the aircraft, the weather conditions, and the traffic in the area.

Overall, the upwind leg is a critical part of the landing process and ensures that aircraft arrive at the runway safely and efficiently.

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