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Definition of VASI

A Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI) is a lighting system installed at many airports to assist pilots in determining the correct approach path for landing. The VASI system consists of a series of lights arranged in a bar that extends perpendicular to the runway. The lights are color-coded and positioned at specific angles to indicate to pilots if they are too high, too low, or on the correct glide path for a safe landing.

The VASI system is an important safety feature for pilots, especially in low visibility conditions where it can be difficult to judge the proper approach path. The system provides a visual reference that helps pilots maintain a safe and consistent approach to the runway. Additionally, the VASI system allows for more efficient use of airport airspace by reducing the need for pilots to conduct multiple approaches or go-arounds due to poor visibility.

Overall, the VASI system is a critical tool for ensuring the safety and efficiency of landing operations at airports around the world.

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