Venturi tube

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Venturi Tube Definition

A venturi tube is a mechanical device designed to measure the flow of fluids, such as gas or liquid, by creating a pressure difference between two points within a system.

The tube features a specially shaped constriction that narrows the flow path of a fluid passing through it. This constriction causes a decrease in pressure at the point of constriction, which creates a partial vacuum. Once the vacuum is created, air or fluid is drawn through the tube and can be used for a variety of purposes, including the proper operation of gyro instruments on an aircraft.

In aviation, venturi tubes are often attached to the outside of an aircraft to produce suction, allowing air to be drawn through the tube and into the gyro instruments. This suction ensures that these instruments function precisely and accurately, which is essential for the safe operation of the aircraft.

Overall, venturi tubes are essential devices for measuring fluid flow and creating a low-pressure environment for various applications. Through their unique design, venturi tubes can be used in a variety of industries and settings to achieve reliable and accurate results.

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