VFR On Top

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VFR On Top Definition

VFR On Top is a condition where there are IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) conditions, but VFR (Visual Flight Rules) conditions exist above the cloud layer. This means that an aircraft can fly visually, even though there are instrument flight rules in place.

In simpler terms, VFR On Top is a special authorization granted to IFR aircraft by air traffic control to operate in VFR conditions at any appropriate altitude. It is a way for the aircraft to operate above the clouds and in visual flight conditions, while still maintaining the necessary instrumentation and clearance requirements.

It is important to note that VFR On Top authorization is subject to weather conditions and the specific route the aircraft is flying. It is granted on a case-by-case basis, and the pilot must still comply with all ATC instructions and maintain proper communication during the flight.

Overall, VFR On Top offers greater flexibility and options for IFR aircraft to operate safely in variable weather conditions, while still maintaining a visual perspective.

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