VHF omni test signal (VOT)

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VHF Omni Test Signal (VOT)

The VHF Omni Test Signal (VOT) is a signal that is transmitted from an FAA VOR Test Facility. Its primary use is to determine the accuracy of the VOR in any aircraft when tuned to that frequency. VOR stands for Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range, which is a type of radio navigation system used for determining an aircraft’s position and direction. The VOT is a test signal that helps pilots ensure that their aircraft’s VOR is functioning correctly and accurately. It is designed to provide a consistent and predictable signal that can be used to test the accuracy of the VOR receiver in any aircraft. The VOT signal is transmitted on a specific frequency, and pilots can tune their VOR receivers to this frequency to perform the test. The VOT signal is typically transmitted at specific times and in specific locations, which are designated as VOR test points. To perform the test, the pilot must tune their VOR receiver to the appropriate frequency, then listen for the VOT signal. If the signal is received clearly and accurately, the VOR receiver is deemed to be functioning correctly. If there are any discrepancies or errors in the signal, further troubleshooting may be required. Overall, the VOT is an essential tool for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of VOR navigation systems in aircraft.

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