Visual Flight Rules

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Visual Flight Rules (VFR)

Visual Flight Rules (VFR) are a set of regulations that governs the operations of aircrafts when pilots are using visual references during flight. These rules allow pilots to fly and navigate according to what they can see outside the cockpit. VFR is typically used when weather conditions permit clear visibility, and pilots can identify landmarks on the ground to navigate.

VFR covers various aspects of flight operations, including airspace classification, flight altitudes, cloud clearance requirements, and visibility limitations. Pilots must comply with specific VFR procedures and maintain visual contact with the ground, other aircraft, and navigational aids at all times.

Because pilots using VFR are responsible for their own navigation and separation from other aircraft, it is essential that they are knowledgeable about weather conditions, airspace restrictions, and any other potential hazards that may affect their flight.

Overall, Visual Flight Rules are a crucial set of regulations for pilots operating in clear weather conditions. By adhering to these rules, pilots can safely navigate their aircraft and avoid potential collisions while enjoying the beautiful views of the sky.

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