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Definition of VNE

VNE, also known as “never-exceed speed,” is the maximum speed at which an aircraft can be safely operated without causing damage or structural failure. It is usually indicated by a red line on the airspeed indicator. Any speed exceeding VNE is strictly prohibited due to the high risk of potential harm to the aircraft and its passengers.

Exceeding VNE can lead to serious consequences, such as flutter, which is the rapid, unstable oscillation of an aircraft’s control surfaces, and can cause the aircraft to disintegrate. Other potential risks include a structural failure of the aircraft, leading to a catastrophic accident.

VNE is a critical parameter that pilots must always keep in mind when operating an aircraft. It is determined by the aircraft manufacturer and goes through rigorous testing to ensure that it is safe for the specified operating conditions. Every pilot must adhere to VNE limitations to ensure the safety of the aircraft and its occupants at all times.

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