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Definition of VSI

The Vertical Speed Indicator or VSI is a device that displays the ascending or descending rate of an aircraft. This instrument gives immediate and crucial information to pilots allowing them to operate their aircraft efficiently and effectively.

The VSI often has a round dial with a needle that moves up or down to indicate the climb or descent rate in feet per minute. The VSI provides information related to the direction and speed of the aircraft, which is critical in maintaining a safe flight.

During an aircraft’s ascent or descent, the VSI helps pilots monitor the rate and make necessary adjustments to the aircraft’s speed, altitude, and direction. Pilots use information displayed by the VSI to avoid turbulence and instability and adjust the engine power to increase or decrease the rate of climb or descent.

In summary, the VSI is an essential instrument for pilots, providing crucial information on ascent and descent rates. Pilots use this information to control their aircraft and ensure a safe and efficient flight.

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