Air route surveillance radar (ARSR)

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Definition of Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR)

Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR) is a sophisticated type of radar system used by Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCCs) to detect and display an aircraft’s position during en-route flights. The radar has the capability to detect both military and civilian aircraft, using a variety of sensors and algorithms.

The system’s primary function is to improve the safety of air traffic control operations by providing accurate and timely information about an aircraft’s position, altitude, speed, and direction of flight. ARSR works in conjunction with various other air traffic control systems to ensure that aircraft remain safely separated and on course.

ARSR is typically placed in areas with high air traffic volume or where aircraft are flying at high altitudes. This advanced radar technology operates using a series of controllers who monitor the radar system to track aircraft movement, predict flight paths, and direct pilots as needed.

In short, Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR) is an essential part of air traffic control, used to detect and monitor aircraft during en-route flights to ensure safe and efficient air travel.

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