Area navigation (RNAV)

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Improved definition of Area Navigation (RNAV)

Area Navigation (RNAV) is a modern form of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) navigation that allows pilots to fly a predetermined course to a specific point without necessarily overflying ground-based navigation facilities. RNAV navigation is achieved by using waypoints, which are geographic locations or coordinates defined by a combination of latitude, longitude, and altitude.

In RNAV, the aircraft can navigate between a network of radio beacons without having to fly from one beacon to the next. RNAV systems use on-board computers to determine the aircraft’s position using GPS (Global Positioning System) and other satellite-based systems, as well as ground-based navigation aids such as VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range) and DME (Distance Measuring Equipment).

RNAV navigation provides greater flexibility and efficiency than traditional ground-based navigation systems, as it allows aircraft to fly more direct routes. By minimizing the need for overflying designated ground-based navigation aids, RNAV can reduce flying time, fuel consumption, and CO2 emissions. RNAV can also enhance safety by providing greater situational awareness for pilots and air traffic controllers, and by enabling precise approach and landing procedures in challenging conditions.

Overall, RNAV navigation is a vital tool for modern aviation, enabling aircraft to navigate safely and efficiently in increasingly complex airspace environments.

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