CAVU (Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited)

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CAVU (Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited)

CAVU stands for “Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited” and it is used to describe the perfect flying conditions. A CAVU day means the visibility is reaching 10 miles or more and the cloud ceiling is at least 10,000 feet. Pilots prefer to fly in these types of conditions because it provides them with clear visibility and unlimited freedom to fly upwards without encountering any cloud layers or turbulence.

When the weather conditions are not optimal, pilots might experience limited visibility, meaning their view of the surroundings is obstructed by clouds, fog, or other weather phenomena. Low ceilings can also become a hindrance for pilots, as they cannot ascend higher due to the cloud cover. CAVU conditions, on the other hand, are the epitome of perfect flying weather, providing pilots with a clear view of the ground, landmarks, and other aircraft, making it easier and safer to navigate.

Overall, CAVU conditions are the best-case scenario for pilots, creating a stress-free, enjoyable flight experience.

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